About Me!
As far as I recall, I was three years old the first time I spoke with spirits. I shared a bedroom with my newly-born brother and was awakened in the night by someone calling my name. I don’t remember what we talked about, only that I adamantly informed my visitor he was not allowed to take the baby. The next morning, I confidently informed my mother there were ghosts in the house, to which she informed me, with equal confidence, simply wasn’t possible.
My childhood consisted of many sleep-deprived nights as I lay in bed listening to conversations from the other side of the veil. It was very similar to being at a party and unable to tune out the various conversations taking place throughout the room. Days often included déjà vu, that feeling of having lived something before. Sometimes it would last for an extended period of time, teaching me life is boring when you know exactly what’s going to happen.
As this was normal for me, I assumed everyone was having the same experiences. At about 10 years old, I found out differently. My sister and I were in the basement as I recalled a premonition about a plumbing disaster which I knew was about to become reality. I sprang into action in attempt to prevent damages, giving her detailed directions to help. Once everything was under control, I realized she hadn’t moved and was staring at me in horror. She simply said, “There’s something wrong with you. Normal people don’t do things like that,” and quickly left the room. I was shocked and devastated. “Normal” people? I’m not “normal”? What does that mean?
Another life-changing premonition around the age of 13 was the final straw. I didn’t feel I had control over any of this, but at that point my rebellious teenage determination took over and I wasn’t going to let any of this into my life ever again.
I was generally successful at blocking it over the next many years until one night I witnessed my three year old daughter sitting on the floor offering her toy up to a spirit. As the spirit moved around, she followed it. My reaction was a muttering of an “adult word” and I entered into a conversation with God that began something like, “Ok, fine. I’ll do this only because I don’t want my kids to have the same experiences I had. But it has to be different this time.”
Little did I know I was back on the road leading me here. I’m honored to share this journey with you and invite you to check out Life After Life Radio podcast and the many opportunities for us to meet.
When something is yours to do, the Universe will find a way to entice you into it.